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Self -made machine test solution


Autonomous test machine

CP/FT from a dragon -importing service from test development of mass production, including accessories design and production, test program development, mass production data collection analysis, and improvement of test quality

A set of test services, lower costs, sufficient production capacity, and faster delivery

Product line covers logic products, imaging products, SOC, MCU, PMIC, RF, MixSignal and other products

Platform conversion development capabilities to solve the most competitive platform solution for customers

The ability of self -made platform independent maintenance and hardware verification and technical maintenance, enhance production competitiveness

CP/FT Test Solution
  • Wafer Sort

    - UF3000 prober

    - P12 prober

    - P8 prober

    - UF200 prober

    - 90A prober

  • Final Test

    - NS 6000/7000/8000

    - HT 8040/8080/9040

    - Multi-test serial

    - SRM

    - Rasco

    - Strip (KYEC)

E320 / I7K Software Tools & Services
  • Programming

    - Off-line programming environment

    - Icon-base programming

    - Open architecture, easy to increase new test flow

    - Windows-model operation


    - Integrated service provided by engineering team

    - Full suite of debug tool


    - High quality production environment

    - Customized production report

Professional maintenance ATE ability
  • -E320/i7k exclusive agent KY authorized maintenance

    -The improvement of mass production maintenance process

    -The function board card detection system and maintenance mechanism

    -Own high -level active component replacement technology and equipment

    -The team has 15 years of maintenance experience talents and technology

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